
Mobile Onboarding Delighter

In an effort to retain users and make the onboarding experience shorter, we came up with a solution for the onboarding experience on mobile

Lead designer

Impact of work

We implemented a system that not only tracks but also celebrates users’ utilization of productivity tools. Additionally, we introduced a rewards program to acknowledge and incentivize users for their achievements within the app.



Many users perceive mobile applications as disruptors to their work-life balance, leading to increased stress and workload.

1. Retention

As users download the application, they soon become disengaged and uninterested

2. Engagement

Data shows users are willing to join the application but need more incentive to quickly come back and stay engaged

How can we retain new users making the onboarding experience shorter and more enjoyable?

We believe that implementing a delighter that celebrates user productivity we can engage and align people to Confluence mobile being a fun way to work and deepen their understanding of the product.


Rewarding users to recognize their achievements


In celebration of users’ achievements, a vibrant confetti animation floods the screen, accompanied by uplifting messages highlighting their progress and contributions.


Half screen ❌

Full screen ❌

Confetti ✅


Initial options covering too much of the page were revised. Confetti animations emerged as a more interactive and enjoyable alternative, leaving ample space for users to navigate seamlessly.



Final version


Our redesigned onboarding experience for Confluence Mobile effectively increased user engagement and satisfaction. Our data indicates a 20% rise in user activity within the first two weeks, with a significant decrease in drop-off rates.